Get Help

Visiting a foodbank

You will be welcomed by our team of friendly Foodbank volunteers

“The volunteers at the foodbank were so lovely, they listened to me and made me feel human again. It was the first place I didn’t feel judged”


We know that crisis can strike anyone and we understand how difficult it can be to think about walking through a foodbank door. That’s why our foodbank volunteers welcome everyone who comes to the foodbank with compassion, kindness and a listening ear.

Your Foodbank voucher will be checked, and exchanged for a pre-prepared food parcel to feed you and your family. At most of our centres you will be able to a enjoy a warm drink, and additional items are on offer (depending on our stock) including pet food, toiletries and sanitary products.

Your food parcel will be packed into supermarket carrier bags. If you prefer to bring your own bags those can be used instead.

Free advice service

On your visit to the Foodbank, if you need support beyond food, you can speak to our volunteers who are happy to listen to you, and offer support and signposting.

Through our Financial Inclusion project we have professional welfare advisors from Salford Citizens Advice and St. Antony’s Centre who can offer a range of advice, including benefits and housing.

Our advisors are available at all our church centres plus;

Broughton Hub

Mondays 12-4pm and Fridays 9am-1pm

Swinton Gateway

Tuesdays 12-4pm and Thursdays 9am-1pm

Please ask the staff on the reception desk if you can locate them.


If you wish, some of our volunteers at our centres are happy to pray with you. Please ask.

Jesus tells us “ Man shall not live by bread alone, but by everything that God has said”.

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